Skeptical about coaching results?

Be honest: are you skeptical of coaching and all the cool results I’m always talking about?

Are you like, “yeah, sure, Kori, maybe that works for you” or “wow, that sounds crazy - she *must* be exaggerating”?

I get it if you are. It’s a normal response to have when someone presents something you thought was impossible as actually 100% possible. 

So, yeah, I am not offended. BUT. I do want you to know - this shit works, not just for me, and I am not exaggerating about what you can use it to accomplish.

This is why I quit my corporate job and launched a coaching business. It wasn’t because I wanted to spend all my time preaching about what’s possible on the internets, although I am here for that part, too. It was because I had seen firsthand how flipping powerful coaching is, how it can change long standing patterns that I’d always thought were “just the way things are.” 

And I don’t just mean for me. I went through Kara Loewentheil’s Unfck Your Brain small group coaching program two years ago and I watched dozens and dozens of women do the same.

Fast forward to my coaching business, and I’ve supported my own clients as they take on new and exciting roles at work, create more peace in their marriages and personal lives, change their drinking and/or eating habits, build lasting exercise routines, pay down their debt, create more robust savings accounts, navigate tricky career transitions, feel less stressed about their work while still crushing their goals, and build their dream businesses without leaving their corporate careers quite yet. 

It’s not magic, even though that’s often exactly what it looks like. 

These kinds of life changes, like every big beautiful goal, are accomplished bit by bit. As a coach, I teach clients how to move from one bit to the next to the next, without giving up. And I teach them tools and skills that can help them move along faster. 

To the uninitiated, yes, it might seem like it’s simply not possible. But that’s what I am all about. And it’s what I’ve been all about since WAY before coaching. I’ve been a bartender. I’ve been a freelance writer. I’ve worked in corporate. I’ve worked in France teaching English to high schoolers when I was barely older than one myself. I’ve been a nanny. Even before coaching I knew that I could go from X to Y to Z, even if it seemed unlikely. But coaching has taught me how to do it faster and better. And I can teach you. 

Does that mean skepticism is never useful? On the contrary, skepticism can be incredibly useful. You know what I want you to be deeply skeptical about? All the shit your inner critic says. All the reasons your brain thinks you can’t do or have the things you want to. All the ways you second guess yourself and your worth all day everyday. 

My coach once said that you can argue for your limits or you can argue for your possibilities. Whichever one you argue for is the one you get to keep. When you’re skeptical that you can change your life and hit your goals and create shit you’ve never created before, guess what - you probably won’t try really hard or take a risk or ask yourself “ok, but how *could* do it?” Instead, your brain will offer you all the limits - the reasons it’s not possible - and that’s what you’ll get to keep. You will live inside those limits thinking they’re reality when they’re not. 

OR you can argue for the possibilities - for why you can achieve something you’ve never achieved before, for why you can start a business or get a promotion or create a satisfying movement routine* even during a quarantine. And when you argue for the possibilities, that’s what you get. You learn to see how it is possible, how you could take a step in the direction of what you want. Will you always get what you want right away? Um, probably not, y’all. But when you’re willing to try and fail and keep going and repeat, you will for sure get somewhere. 

So, be as skeptical as you want to. Just be mindful about where you’re pointing that skepticism. 

Ready to create results so good it will seem like you’re exaggerating?

I’d be delighted to help you out with that. Also, bonus: my coaching packages are totally virtual so as to better serve my global audience (and yes, I’ve worked with people who are not native English speakers with great success). Learn more here.


What’s the cheapest way to hit your goal?


Crush your student loans.