Client testimonials

  • (0:20) Jenni introduces herself.

  • (1:40) Jenni talks about what has changed in her life since she found coaching.

  • (3:40) Jenni talks about her new found confidence, and how she allows herself to experience confidence fully.

  • (5:00) Jenni talks about how her relationship with her husband unexpectedly improved.

  • (6:20) Jenni shares that the stress reduction she achieved through coaching has led to resolution of chronic pain associated with a spinal issue she was diagnosed with.


“I feel like an entirely different person.”

Jenni is an engineer for a fortune 500 company, a wife, and mom of two. Before coaching, she used to feel very stressed and ruminated a lot.

Since coaching, she’s stopped ruminating, and as a result, she is less stressed and has gotten time back in her life. She feels more confident, and that confidence is allowing her to show up more at work and in her relationships at home.

Jenni also credits coaching with resolving her chronic pain and eliminating her need for surgery.

“Working with you is life changing.”

Lola is a scientist, educator, and entrepreneur. She is currently an Assistant Dean at a prestigious graduate level university.

Before working with Kori, Lola was already wildly successful in her career. Through coaching, Lola learned how to keep showing up to create the career of her dreams but with more ease and less stress.


(0:34) What brought Lola to coaching.

(2:25) The immediate benefits of coaching.

(3:30)  One coaching teaching that really blew her mind.

(5:30) Why a coaching relationship is such a powerful container for growth.

(7:15) Ways in which our coaching work together continues to have positive benefits for her well after the completion of her coaching program.

(9:35) How coaching creates a safe space to actually dig into the things that are going on.

(11:25) Benefits of Slack coaching.

(13:00) What Lola would say to anyone thinking of working with me.

  • (0:50) Melissa talks about why she wanted to work with a coach.

  • (1:40) The most valuable thing Melissa got out of our work together.

  • (3:45) Melissa talks about committing to coaching even when you aren’t sure if you have the time to give it your all.

  • (5:31) Melissa’s advice for anyone considering working with me.

  • (8:45) I talk about how Melissa is making amazing progress even when she only has little pockets of time to do the work in between calls.


“It changed my entire perspective on everything.”

Melissa works in corporate tech. She was recently married, is a mother, and is now a stepmother as well.

Melissa had achieved everything she thought she ever wanted, but still wasn’t feeling satisfied or as happy as she thought she should.

After coaching, Melissa gained the power of choice and control over her own thoughts. She also shares how the thing that made her hesitate to commit to coaching was something that had played out in her entire life, and was preventing her from achieving satisfaction.

“It was a massive boost of confidence.”

Ana is a professional illustrator in the Netherlands. She recently launched her own business and talks about how coaching came at the perfect time to help her resolve the self doubt and imposter syndrome she was facing.

In coaching Ana learned how to question her brain as a reliable narrator, and how to ask powerful questions which lead to problem solving and confidence.

  • (1:10) Ana talks about the self doubt that can plague creative professionals, and what it was like learning our brains aren’t reliable narrators.

  • (2:37) Ana talks about how the tools she learned are deceptively simple, and it looks easy, but how she’d never had these skills before.

  • (4:00) Ana talks about how she stopped bright-siding (a burnout behavior), and learned to self-coach in a way that genuinely feels good AND creates real results.

  • (5:30) Learn about the surprise benefits that coaching can have on your relationship.

  • (7:16) Ana shares her coaching results, and she reveals she was a coaching skeptic prior to working together!